Monday, November 5, 2012

Acne Blues: Esthetician vs. Dermatologist

So you've come to a crossroad where you made the decision to seek out a professional.  You can no longer stare at your acne ridden face. Having pimples really blows and no matter how much make-up you put on, you still feel self-conscious. Whoever told me that acne would end after puberty was blowing smoke up my skirt! Acne is a menacing problem and everyone seems to have a solution and a product to fix it. The problem is there’s a plethora of professionals out there, so who do you turn to for advice? Do you seek out the help of an esthetician or get professional advice from a dermatologist?

Estheticians should be considered as a first line of defense. They are very knowledgeable about skin products and can help you establish a good skincare regimen. Estheticians can also perform deep cleansing facials, pore extractions, exfoliation treatments, and waxing.  Visiting your esthetician every 4-6 weeks may be what your skin needs to rid yourself from occasional breakouts.

If you find yourself defeated and over-the-counter medications aren’t working, you should see a dermatologist. The issues you are having with your skin could be hormonal or you may have a skin condition that requires prescription medication. While dermatologists can be both helpful and informative, the visits can be expensive and if you’re lucky, your insurance may pay for it. If this is an option for you, invest in your skin and find the root of the problem.  The pay-off may be well worth it, and your visit to the dermatologist can save you from purchasing useless products.

There’s no right or wrong way to tackle acne and the decision is yours to make. You should choose an approach that is comfortable to you. We’re our own self critics, so do what you need to do to free yourself from the acne blues.

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